Anomalies in Phrozen Transform G-Code Generation


It looks like there are some issues with G-code parameters generated for the Phrozen Transform. I looked at the generated G-codes and this is what I’m seeing:

  1. Z Retract speed controls the lift movement speed for all layers.
  2. Z Bottom speed controls the lowering movement speed for the bottom layers.
  3. Z Lift speed controls the lowering movement speed for non-bottom layers.
  4. Off time between layers has no effect (“G4 P0” is always generated).

#4 seems like an error, but maybe the others are a matter of interpretation. The nomenclature doesn’t match what Phrozen uses. In any case, I can work around 1-3, but I wonder if a change in wording would make those parameters more clear. For that matter, I can work around #4 as well, with a global text change, but I’d rather not have to do that :wink:

Love this product, BTW!


I was given some very helpful information by another Transform owner about the gcode script. I can use it to enable the LED delay.

The other parameters that I thought were unclear are fine, now that I know how to interpret them. I looked at the print profiles documentation, and that also helped…the description still doesn’t seem crystal clear, but there’s no problem, it works as designed!


Ok thanks for letting us know.

It’s generalized parameters which are then applied at each printer.

Mostly you have to look at what you are outputting as gcode and compare that with what the manufacturer of your machine uses. In this case Phrozen. Not sure if they write something about this in their documentation.

With the gcode scripting you can change it anyway you like.
You don’t have to use these parameters; you can also hardcode all values to get the gcode exactly like you need it.



I know this is old, but is the Phrozen Transform working correctly with the gcode generated by
Formware in the meantime? I wanted to try this (I know about zip and phz file ending)
but I´m unsure if it works, and I don´t want to destroy my machine…

Thanks, best regards



Hi Chris,

Haven’t heard anyone about it so i assume it work.
What would not work?

I would just compare working gcode with anything you post? You can just open it in notepad++ next to each other. Then you can quickly check if all is OK.
Make a simple file with say 20 layers for example.

kind regards


Hi Elco
My question is more related to the function, maybe like the G04 code. In other threads
it is said that this does not work on the Transform.
I looked at the basic gcode written by Formware, and that should work. But it is based on the G04
code for the time related stuff. And I was not sure if this works …

Best regards, Chris


mm… i think it should work.
But if you want to be 100% sure ask Phrozen. They made these initial gcodes back when we inserted these machines in our database…



Hi elco
Ok, I do some “dry-runs” - lets see …

Best regards, Chris


Hi Elco
Ok, I checked some dry runs.
It seems the printer is doing the exposure times correctly with the G4 code.
But it is completely ignoring the waiting times (delays) after exposure, after lift, and so on.
Now I found they are completely missing in the gcode file - or do I understand this wrong?
How to add them? (I´m trying two staged lift and retract)
Here a small part of the gcode:

M106 S0;
G28 Z0;
M6054 “1.png”;show Image
G0 Z8 F30;
G0 Z0.0500 F30.0000;
G4 P0; optional extra light delay.
M106 S255;light on
G4 P66000;
M106 S0; light off
M6054 “2.png”;show Image
G0 Z8.0500 F30;
G0 Z0.1000 F30.0000;
G4 P0; optional extra light delay.
M106 S255;light on
G4 P66000;
M106 S0; light off
M6054 “3.png”;show Image
G0 Z8.1000 F30;
G0 Z0.1500 F30.0000;
G4 P0; optional extra light delay.
M106 S255;light on
G4 P66000;
M106 S0; light off
M6054 “4.png”;show Image
G0 Z8.1500 F30;
G0 Z0.2000 F30.0000;
G4 P0; optional extra light delay.
M106 S255;light on
G4 P66000;
M106 S0; light off
M6054 “5.png”;show Image
G0 Z8.2000 F30;
G0 Z0.2500 F30.0000;

Here my settings:

Sorry for asking - but I never did this before … I just have the feeling I can control the prints better with
this settings …

Thanks, Best regards, Chris


Hi Chris,

You have to modify the gcode script if you want that to work.
If you click the ‘help’ button you will be led to the available variables. Amongst others the waiting times.

The ‘test gcode script’ button allows you to compile the gcode to check for errors in your typing.
The export gcode allows you a quick export to check when the numbers of your profile are entered.

kind regards