Is there a way to apply the detailed parameters of the manual support in the attached diagram to automatic support generation?
Automatic support reflects manual support details
It takes these detailed parameters as a starting point.
Then it injects the parameters from the auto-support interface where approriate and these override these defaults.
So for example tip diameter, you can set it to 4.0 here. But if you set it to 3.0 in your auto support tool, it will take that value.
here are all the parameters that are override coming from the UI:
set.Diameter = prf.Diameter;
set.DiameterScaleFactor = prf.DiameterWideningFactor;
set.DiameterTop = prf.TipDiameter;
set.FootHeight = prf.FootHeight;
set.MainPoleDistance = mainpole_dst;
set.Density = density;
set.UseAbsoluteFootDiameters = prf.FootAbsoluteFootSizes;
set.DiameterFootBottom = prf.FootDiameterBottom;
set.DiameterFootTop = prf.FootDiameterTop;
set.TopJointThicknessMultiplier = prf.TopBeamJointMultiplier;
set.TipContactDepth = prf.TipContactDepth;
set.TipBeamDiameter = prf.TipBeamDiameter;
The only thing perculiar is the mainpole_dst, this is a variable that is calculated to optimize the number of columns according to the model.
In general; the lattice support is an old piece of our code; and I would advice not to use it for auto support. You can use it in manual support if you want something stiff and equally supported.
kind regards