Does Formware work in 64bits?



Thank you for version 1.0.29 and especially the management of the 3D mouse.

Does Formware work in 64bits?




Yes it works on both systems. It’s .NET and compiles automatically to what you use. 32bit or 64bit.

A detailed note; most logic in Formware works in float’s precision, this has nothing to do with bitness of your system but it does make the calculations twice as memory efficient. Usually in 3d printing you don’t need more than 7 digits precision. Assuming you don’t print huge parts of several meters on micron precision.

The bitness of your system is just telling you how many memory addresses can be used for placing data from a program. 64bit machines can use more amounts of memory per program.
When you push our software to the limits with a lot of models and CPU slicing you might notice memory can go up to 5-6 Gb if your hardware allows it.



Hi Elco

Ok thank you for this answer so well detailed !
