Formware doesn't start


I’ve install the latest version of formware 3d slicer and when I try to start the program the following message appears and doesn’t work.

Firma con problemas:
Nombre del evento de problema: CLR20r3
Firma del problema 01: program.exe
Firma del problema 02:
Firma del problema 03: 5ea008c1
Firma del problema 04: System.Drawing
Firma del problema 05: 4.0.30319.18408
Firma del problema 06: 52311178
Firma del problema 07: 67f
Firma del problema 08: 70
Firma del problema 09: System.ArgumentException
Versión del sistema operativo: 6.1.7601.
Id. de configuración regional: 3082
Información adicional 1: 1ae5
Información adicional 2: 1ae5fd75960c0f5cff3ff14b89a127d7
Información adicional 3: b1a7
Información adicional 4: b1a7a8e0b302c4de2bc94c0dc6215c4f


Strange; haven’t seen this before. Can you provide a screenshot? or more description of what happens?


The program doesn’t start and shows me that message.


These are my pc specs.


Can you verify that you have .NET framework 4 installed?
check i.e. here:


This is my .NET framework version.


This is most probably a .NET framework error.
And not an error inside the software (otherwise the software error box in blue would show up asking you to report the error).

If i google your error message I don’t find a clear answer but a lot of other software where users also had this problem ocassionally.

I would suggest first re installing the .net framework. Perhaps version 4.8; that should be still possible on windows7.

Let me know if upgrading the .net framework solves it.
Have you also updated your pc with updates regularly?


Perhaps an add to that. It’s strange the the message says CLR2.0; which is the Common Language Runtime 2.0 and used for .NET version up to 3.5

If it was running on the correct 4.0+ version it would say CLR4.0
So something can be wrong with the .NET installation?

perhaps also something to try is downloading our latest release see if it makes a difference.
I just retested that version on a Win7 pc without trouble.