How to connect Nanodlp


hello,how to directly connect to nanodlp,that I can send file directly to nanodlp


Hi avator,

Yes, under the slice menu is the export dialog.

You can upload as STL, SLC (slice curves) or zip file with PNG’s.
Depending on which post processing operations you use you can make a choice. If you use none, then STL or SLC is just fine.

kind regards


hello,I did not find the option as you posted img,in slice menu there is only start slice and open external program there



Please update your version.
It seems your installer version is over 4 years old.

kind regards


indeed,I update the software,and it works!
besides,how can I change the density of the supoort point in the right anle edge,as the pic u can see thaht the point is too close on the edge ( with black circle),while in the other place ,the density is not that high.


Most probably the density is that high because all points are critical minima.
We had a lot of user input in the past, never cancel out critical minima as it will lead to print failure.
I will put it on our todolist if we can further optimize this section of the code to minimize high density there.

Of course you can just click ‘edit all’ and then click some points to remove.



perhaps the auto generation code needs a setting of border points distantce and border points offset