I can't print in my Anycubic Photon S


I have an Anycubic Photon S printer and I am unable to print to it. I make dental models using the Archform softwere. In it, I put the configuration to print in vertical tray, in order to fit more models. I put it in the printer program, resizing the models in the printing tray and I put it on a USB stick. I connect the USB stick to the printer and the file appears on the screen. I put it to print, taking about 4 hours and 30 minutes. In the end, I don’t get a model, I’m not printing anything. What could be happening? Is this because I do not discard any resin left over from another impression?



This can be many things.

Are you able to print a default file that is loaded onto the machine?
if no -> something in the machine is broken

if yes -> something in the file might be wrong (exposure settings, file format (is the file showing correctly that’s probably not an issue )
