Hello every one!
I try slice model for anycubic photon m7 pro in pwsz format file. All slice correct, but height of model decrease two times. I upload pwsz to PhotonWorkShop and see, he did not define the printing parameters, the volume of resin was indicated incorrectly, the number of layers is correct, but their height is 2 times less.
Incorrect slice pswz
I would say the number of slices does not fit the layer height.
Or in other words - The layer height of the printer and the layer height of the slicing software
are not the same.
Best regards, Chris
Yes. But number of layers in formware and anycubic work shop is same. I think error with thickness, because work shop display 0.05, when I slice 0.1, and cure time is different. I open pwsz and config saved after slice is correct. So I don’t know why printer and work shop can’t read it right.
Is this still an issue?
There was 1 factor 1000x error in the volume calculation.
kind regards
Yes, it still not working( Bad resin volume produced on 1000, incorrect cure time, slice thickness not 0.1