Mesh repair engine not loading


When I try to run the automatic mesh repair on a file with multiple mesh errors, I get the error message:

“error reading repair engine (1)”

and the mesh is not repaired.

I repeated the test with an object with no detected errors, and the process worked just fine.

I have the latest version of the software ( and have tried restarting it to no avail.

Please advise. Sample of 3D file available



Does it happen with every broken file or only with this file?

If only with this file, please wetransfer the file to use.

If with every file; i have no clue yet. No reports of this so far.

kind regards


Hi Elco,

It only seems to happen if the original file is in 3MF format. The only way I could duplicate the failure was to:

  1. start with a 3MF file
  2. hollow it (2.5mm skin) and fill with lattice (dia. 1.5, cell 4.0)
  3. Add 5mm dial hole to end cap
  4. Delete the hole (CTRL Z)
  5. Add 5mm hole (with plug) to new location on same end cap
  6. Run MESH analysis
  7. Run Mesh repair (duck as it explodes)

File was too big (89 meg) to transfer using this portal. Best way to get it to you? I can put it in a shared directory if that will work.


Hi Ron,

Thanks for the replication steps; i will investigate.
You can use wetransfer to email it to our info@ address.




The file (Center-pin-block-REPAIR-FAIL.fw3d) should be available on WeTransfer now.

My best