Modifying support foot height


Hello! I’m just trying out FormWare 3d, very much enjoying the level of control it allows. Also very impressed with the level of support that looks to be going on here in the forum. :slight_smile:

After several hours I’ve run into a question I can’t figure out. Under Support Generation (advanced) -> Baseplate tab, there are settings for the foot, which I presume to be the cone-ish shape at the base of each vertical support. The “Absolute foot sizes” controls work as expected, but the “Height of the foot” setting doesn’t seem to do anything at all. I’d like to increase the height so that the feet protrude above the baseplate (without hollowed top), which I believe will result in stronger supports.

Am I missing something here, is that setting actually elsewhere? Thanks!


Played with this a bit more, and I found that the “Foot height” control above the advanced settings does what I asked of it.

Is there a way to save modified base plate settings to default, or separate them from auto-generate? I’m talkning about the hollow top, name on border, etc. In my fiddling I keep tweaking the base, but those are lost if I regenerate supports.


Hi Pedro,

sorry slow reply.
You should be able to save the ‘auto generation’ settings in the support profile with the ‘save’ link. (screenshot below)
Just try it with a copy of the support profile.

Each support profile has settings:

  • auto generated (basic/advanced)
  • manual support types
    These can also be editid by clicking ‘edit all’.



Thank you for the reply! However, I’m looking for the settings that are found when you right click the base and “edit”. I can’t find them elsewhere in the UI…?



Yes under ‘edit all’ -> manual supports -> base plate.


Gosh this is what I was looking for and more. There is SO much good stuff under Edit All, thank you!


mm maybe we should somehow make it available on another place… the dialogue on the right are pretty full…