NaN (Not a number) in all resin related fields



After update to the 1145 version, I get NaN in all resin related fields.

In the resin properties (inside “Print profiles” o any material) in the density field there is a correct value (i.e: 1.000).

But when I go to “Star Slice” dialog, the field “Resin amount required in your vat” has +/-NaNmm. Also the parts “Total ml” fields has NaN
After slice, below in the [Layer | resin | time] “bubble”, the resin option show NaNml

Anyone has this problem?



Seems to be a problem with the language (locales). In english works well.


Hi Olga,

That’s interesting; which language were you using before?

I was actually thinking it has to do with a model with open sides; this doesn’t always yield correct volumetric calculations.



Spanish ES-es

Sorry for the delay in the answer.


Also, the NaN problem has come back. I do not know if after a Windows (11) update or whatever. I have try to change to English but this time nothing.

When I start the program, the indicator show the correct indication (0.00 [ml]) but when load the part, goes wrong (NaN [ml]). If I slice the part also the slice overview the Total [ml] display show in the listing NaN in part and Total fields.


Hi Olga,

I can’t really replicate the problem.
Can you send me a part that produces the problem? It could be a problematic part.
You can use our info@ address.



I have try with several parts and the problem it is the same.

The secon license it in another PC with Windows 10 and has the same problem.

Today after insert the variables LANG=us_US and reboot the PC ths same part goes ok.


In C programs (own programs) I have the same problem If I mix the inputs with ‘.’ and ‘,’ and decimals and locales. The solution Is establish a locale at the beginning and assert the text inputs values to desired locale working in the program internaly allways with only one mode of decimals points.


Hi Olga,

Thanks for your info. I need to dive deeper perhaps.

The culture in the application is only set at 1 place; at the startup of the application. Depending on which language you’ve choosen.

Here you can see the C# code that does it.
There are 2 culture settings.

CurrentCulture -> this sets the culture used for all numerical parsing etc. CurrentCulture is never set to anything else…

CurrentUICulture -> this sets the language that is used.

So i’m always using en-GB for numerical formats. Which is always ‘.’ if i’m correct.
There should be more users having this issue if this was really wrong i think…

All numerical boxes are ‘numerical boxes’. They are not textboxes with strings. So nothing is parsed by my code. That all happens in the .net code. (interacting with the underlying windows libraries).
So from a numerical box in the UI, I only get ‘double’, or ‘float’ values. Never anything else.

curious to know what causes this… are you sure your materials have a non-zero density?
Your volume is also zero right? NaN usually arises by a division through zero. This can also happen because of a degenerate mesh. Have you checked your mesh for errors?



Sorry (again and again) for the delay in the answer.

About the density, It always left in 1.000 (as default).

Mesh problem? Maybe, but the thing It is that after setting the locale LANG into variables, the software show the correct value with the same part as before doesn’t show the value. But this has happen with more parts (not a lot).

As now is working with that “patch”, left is as is. If any other has the same problem, as way to while work without problem, may be useful to have this thread. Don’t care about.

Much thanks for the answer and interest.