Parts appear mirrored again


I forget how I fixed this last time, this is since the last upgrade. Each piece I make cames out mirrored, what’s on the left comes out on the right, and vica versa… Please tell me how to fix this.


I finally found the mirror command, it was checked, that’s how I fixed it last time, but now it doesn’t need to be checked, go figure… :slight_smile:


ohw… which printer is that?

I didn’t change anything there…


I don’t get it, I’ve printed this with every variation I could and It is still mirrored. I have the model shown correctly in the Formware viewport. Either the configuration for the Phrozen 8K Mini did it (and I wish I had a way to view the result other than spending the 8 hours printing it) or the machine itself mirrored it. My next try is to turn off the machine and try again. This is too weired…


Hi Jeffrey,

Please realize, when you load a printjob into Formware, it automatically mirrors the slices back based on the settings of the machine.

So the viewport in Formware is always world axis system. (unmirrored)
You can view these settings for a job if you select the job, view the header info, and then there are 2 toggles flipx, flipy.

When text is mirrors, usually you only have to mirror 1 axis. That is enough. Doesn’t matter which one.
If you do both axis, you keep the problem (that’s just a rotation around the center)

kind regards


ah, but how do I flipx? Is it the command under mirror?


In other words, which job do I select, can you please give an example? I tried looking for a header in the in the files produced that I give to the Phrozen Mini 8K but I don’t know how to see the header. Do I open it in a special program like Notepad++? I’m sorry to appear so stupid, but I need some help here…


No, open the job in formware, then in the joblist open the treeview, and select job information (i think it’s called).

But it should not really matter.

You can setup flip x and y in the slice setup.
config -> machine -> slice setup -> flipx/y checkboxes.

kind regards


That’s the problem, the parts you mentioned don’t exist for Phrozen Mini 8K. They’re in my Elegoo setup, but not Phrozen…


Hi Jefree,

It’s a bug in V1034… my bad. I added a stupid toggle for some manufacturers that didn’t want the ‘slice setup’ tab. But forgot the default was false.

You can either:

  1. edit the settings file (set flipx/flipy there to true)
  2. re-add the machine from the online database. That will also show the slice setup again. (you can also copy printprofiles from 1 machine to another all together easily

Sorry for the inconvenience.
