Peopoly Phenom Profile!


Hey everyone!

First post, so quick summary! Using 3d printers for several years, typically FDM and top-down DLP resin but we have recently purchased a Peopoly Phenom due to its size/affordability and our need to expand capability!

I have just had a quick mess around with formware and it looks great so looking forward to delving deeper to test, with a view to buying! Does anyone have a working profile for the Phenom - I will obviously have to play with resin settings but if someone has a good starting profile for the rest, that would be appreciated!

Thanks again. Hopefully, I will be purchasing FW if it works out and I can help out here!



I’ve just added a profile for the Phenom in our online database.
This is based on the .cfg provided by Moai in their machine setup and their communication that the machien runs on chitubox hardware and requires .ctbdlp files.

It needs to be tested if it works properly.

Please note:

  • support profiles are to be determined on your application
  • exposure times are resin dependent.

Let me know if it works!



New to the forum. Really digging the software.

Might there be a link to the online database?

I can’t seem to find where it’s located on the site and would love to have the Phenom Profile and see what else is on there.

Thank you!


In the latest version there is a direct connection from the software to our online database.

See screenshot below; you can just click and add the phenom.



Brilliant. Thank you.