Printjob Foldername variables?


Hello everybody out there

In the slice konfiguration tab where you can setup the export formats below there you can define variables for the default export naming.
Std. is SliceJob_#machine#_#date#

Is there any sort of variable names which I can use?
I’m searching for the file, name, number what ever.
I want to have it like, Jobname or imported filename_machine name_date

I don’t know if any developer from formware is reading this here. Please assist.

great day


Hi Hans,

You are right; the tooltip seems to be missing. There used to be a tooltip that listed all macro’s.

For now; here’s the list:
#totalslices#, #machine#, #sliceheight#, #xyresolution#, #projectfile#, #date#, #firstpartname#.

I will add the tooltip again.

For the future; we’ve already build a new parsing engine of variables+math that makes available basically teh entire settings files with all objects like machine,printprofile,supportprofile with all their variables.
This is already active in some parts in the background; the documentation is just not ready yet. Hope to have it ready in the next release.

kind regards


The above list was for the printjob filename.

For the slice filename its:

#zero_based_slicenumber_no_zero#, #zero_based_slicenumber#,#slicenumber_no_zero#,#slicenumber#,#sliceheight#,#date#,#totalslices#,#firstpartname#


Woow Elco what a excellent answer, working all with the from you listed printjob filename variables but not the slice filename.
Where is the field to use these slice filenames?


Hi Hans,

It depends on your machine output type…
When your printer has a binary file type (like .ctb or .photon) it doesn’t have slice filenames.
When something like PNG, it does.

kind regards
