Supports generated under build plate


I cannot find a setting that avoids the creation of very short supports near the build plate extending under the build plate. It happens when added manually. This problem does not happen during automated support generation. different supports are generated when they are very short. I am trying to rest the model on the build plate to save print time and money, hence very short supports are often required.

There were comments about this many, many months ago, Q1 2019. Please would you advise how or when this problem can be fixed?
Trying to use the tick box fix accidental penetration below zero when using internal supports even when there were no obvious penetrations of the plate caused the whole support lattice to shift x++ - this was after flattening supports.




Hi Gary,

Apparently the check for too short supports has only been implemented for auto supports.
I will add it to the list for the next release. For now a workaround would be to support the object
a few mm above the table and then drag it down to your preferred height.

Kind regards,



Hi Jan,
It would be very welcome. There is another type of violation of the Zero plane when the angle of the support is such that the outer edge extends through the lowest surface of the Foot. This does happen in automatic support generation mode. Its barely visible until a slice test and overhang detection test shows an adhesion failure warning in the OctaveLight slice testing app.
If you want help beta testing, happy to try. I wrote specs for years. You mentioned there is sprues for casting in the beta. Can I get to that functionality? Spruing these things is a nightmare.

