The size in the X direction is different.


The same object.

The size at the time of import is the same.

However, the size in the x direction is different.

what is the reason?



It’s a numerical rounding error.

The size in X direction is calculated form the local coordinates * transformation matrix in world system.

in math:
vectorWorld = matrixLocalToWorld * vectorLocal.

when the matrixLocalToWorld is different for the 2 objects you get a slightly different size.



Thank you for your reply!

[When the matrixLocalToWorld is different for the 2 objects you get a slightly different size.]

Is there a solution?
Or, this x numerical difference is
Don’t I have to worry?


No anything below 1 micron is not something you will see in most of all production methods.
Unless you are producing chips and work on nanoscale :wink:

The software is working on a single float’s.

That means you have 6-9 digits precision.
The reason is that we have many customers that load very large STL’s. So you want to save maximum on memory usage.

Using doubles (like i.e. Rhino3d) would mean twice the memory load.
