Verison 1220 troubles


Hi Elco, I updated to ver:1220 and the automatic support feature seems broken. regardless the settings (talking a bout supports density) the software places hundreds of overlapped supports. see the image:


Same here. Whatever I try, it ends up using TONS of overlapping supports



From the picture this seems an edge case I still need to fix.

We had some feedback (months ago) that critical minima should never be removed from supports. Never filtered.

So i took that filter out… but it seems a critical minima is not an edge point where 1 side of the adjacent face is flat. I need to change that defintion…

Let me see if I find some time today to change this.



I’ve pushed V1221 to the live system.
I think this would solve the issue shown here.


(no more points generated on the edge because they were defined as critical minima…
this was not noticed by all users, as when the fillet was not there, it would create an edge and filter out these double generated points)


V1221 indeed fixed the issue.
Thank you for getting on this so fast!

Happy Holidays!



ok great! thanks for the feedback.