Will Formware work with the X-Mono 3d printer from Bluecast?


I will be buying the new 3d printer from Bluecast, will your slicer work with it? Apparently you have to dl chitubox


It’s not in the list of supported machines, yet.

But it looks very, very similar to the ‘Qidi Tech S-Box’ which is in the list.
(The Qidi has a Color LCD, though, while the X-mono is supposedly a Mono LCD)

Any reason why you want to order this specific printer?


right, I’m thinking that because this guy (Stephano Reale) invented both the resin I enjoy working with because It’s 70% wax and casts well, and the investment (made for casting jewelry, that’s what i do, I make jewelry). Now he has made this machine exactly for creating jewelry and rather than buying the phrozen sonic 4k, it was a tough decision, I am buying this one because of the firmware, which I haven’t seen yet but it is the strongest point for buying it… After I receive it I will tell you if it was worth it… :roll_eyes:


From everything I can find on the net, the 4K LCD doesn’t result in a higher resolution, only larger build plate. X and Y resolution is still 47um.

I usually hang out on the reapermini forums (miniature painting) and they now have a sub section for printing mnis.
One of the users there make masters for Dark Sword Miniatures.
He uses the Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K.

Of course, if it’s mechanically stiffer, it will beat a lot of the consumer machines.


I know about the Phrozen, I currently have a Phrozen Shuffle 4k, the only problem is it is not mono. When I started looking for a mono unit, I decided on the X-Mono. True it is a bigger platform, but that may not make that big of a difference since for smoother prints I can up the AA and print it with smaller Z depths. And it is 150 watts, compared to Phrozen which I think may be 50 watts. So I have thought about this, let’s hope my thinking is good!


The 150Watt is because of the larger build plate.
Anti-Aliasing isn’t a miracle tool, though. Sometimes it softens edges you want to keep sharp.
I never use higher than 4 on minis. But they may contain more sharp edges than what you’re dealing with.

Again, I think the quality will be mostly dependent on the rigidity of the machine.
you’ll have to post a few pictures here so that we can see, when you get it.


I’ll check with Bluecast if the format is open or available. If it’s a chituboard then it will probably work with the available exports in the software already.

Regarding antialiasing; Trygve you are right. It’s only marginal.

From our tests we know that the LCD machines (certainly the lower end) always spread the light because of the way the screen, glass etc are layed out. The light doesn’t get through exactly parallel… it spreads. So pixel accuracy of 47 micron is just the physical size of the pixel on the screen. Not what you will be able to print.

If you want this kind of pixel accuracy you would typically use a light engine (i.e. wintech). And they are getting cheaper as the market evolves.
For example the Noble Superfine printer has a DMD chip. Mostly targetted on jewelry.


The machine is added to the database. Profiles for resins might follow