Z too low in modified print profile


I have just got everything reinstalled after a pc rebuild - mentioning this because a. I’m not sure what my previous version was and b. I’ve had to recreate my print profiles.
Current version is 1220, printer profile is Phrozen Sonic Mini 8K S
I’ve made one copy of the default resin profile, for Phrozen Protowhite, adjusted it for recommended settings, and when I run it on the printer it lowers to the point where it slows down, than goes slowly down way too far. I don’t know how far down it wants to go, but it’s a long way - I’ve tried it with the build plate off and it just keeps on going. Obviously the (.prz) file is gobbledegook rather than gcode so no clues there for a mortal like me…
The default (Aqua Resin Grey) profile works fine. I’m not using that resin, but I ran it as a test to check it wasn’t the fault of the printer.
Any ideas?
Regards Pat


Just realised I can paste in here, so if it helps:
Default profile that works fine:

Modified profile that goes too low:


Hi Pat,

I have no idea either. These files are just binary files with all parameters written out in bytes… not really readable for the human eye.

Could it be the printer wasn’t homed yet and it couldn’t find it’s home sensor somehow?

If the problem still persists you can email me a correct file and a problematic file on our info address and I can take a look for you. Alternatively you can use a tool like UVTools on github to inspect the print parameters in these files.

kind regards


Thanks for the reply Elco. The sensor was fine, printer bleeps, light goes out as expected, plate raises again then lowers slowly…more bleep/light but kept going down regardless. Anyway, last night I copied the resin profile again, and tried it on the printer after every edit, and the problem did not appear again. Print fixed but mystery remains… Thanks for the utility link, very cool. Interestingly, the new good file opens fine, but the faulty file crashes the import with ‘System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow’.
Cheers, Pat