Changing wait before print/lift speed/retract speed depending on layer range


hi everyone, i discovered recently this fantastic slicer, before I used Tango slicer.
Formware has every function i need except the possibilities to change some settings based on layer range, that in tango is called “adaptive slice”, and it allow to set a printer profile for every layer range that i want (for example from 0-70 layer i can set resin profile A, from that to layer 150 resin profile B and so on, and that is very usefull until the plate is complete out of the resin level.
is possible that a feature like that coulb be implemented ?


Hi Federico,

There is already ‘data table’ mode for layerheight/exposure. This allows you to set the layerheight and exposure time per layer in any interval.

I think it’s a good idea to extrapolate that functionality to have a layerheight based on profiles. And that also includes the speeds and so on. I’ll add it to our todo list.

kind regards


Thanks for the reply, different retract speed or wait before lift is crucial for me printing with bigger printer or high viscosity resin, a killer feature should be that the software can calculate automatically from a formula or similar the lift/retract/wait time analyzing the white surface on every layer, that could increase a lot the speed and can optimize the print time.
Unfortunately I cannot use this slicer until I have the possibility of changing the speed and wait time on layer height.
I’ll wait for this feature
Thanks again