The issue is more aligned to the fact that not all support types are spawned in a similar fashion.
‘Add lattice support’ type selected directly from the tool bar allows for the user to place multiple contact points before selecting ‘Apply’ to spawn the generated supports. Time is saved as multiple supports can be placed before the time consuming calculations are performed (support pathing, printability, etc.).
Other support types, like the single support and very basic, need to fully initiate support generation after each placement. The single support type is already supported under the array function. Can the very basic support type either be added to the array function or allow for the user to place as many support points before full support generation (hit either ‘Apply’ or the Enter key)? I have some complex objects which I like to manually support with the very basic support type. The ability to save time by carrying out the full support generation step after I’ve placed all my points of contact would be tremendous.
Does the documentation better explain the parameters of the lattice support type? I like using it when working with flexible resins for the added rigidity. I’ve been experimenting with some of the settings and only the ‘Lattice spacing Z’ seems to have any apparent effect. I’m trying to make sense of ‘Lattice spacing X’, ‘Lattice spacing Y’, ‘Gap interval X’, and ‘Gap interval Y’.