So the Seattle heat wave killed my Photon. 111F outside meant about 130F in the garage and there are dead capacitors in there somewhere (above and beyond the nuked LCD). An LCD later and it’s still not printing right. Poor resolution, lots of floaters, just a nightmare. RIP crappy little Photon.
So I’ve got an Epax X1-4k now and am going through the process of getting my resins dimensionally correct etc. I’ve learned a thing or two and am curious as to best practices as far as implementing the more advanced calibration and correction features. Apologies if this is written up somewhere else (it usually is) but my google-fu is failing this morning:
XY Offset Correction vs. Shrinkage Correction. I’ve used Shrinkage Correction extensively in the past. How would I know when to mess with the XY Offset?
Pixel Dimming. What should I look for to know whether I should mess with this?
Curve Reduction. Is this related to the opacity of the resin?
Machine Calibration & Mask Wizard. Is there a tutorial anywhere as to how to implement this feature? I’ve got a way better light engine now so I might as well dial it. I see a couple topics on these forums about what the mask looks like, but no suggested workflows as to implementing it.
Thanks, as always, for giving us so much granular control.