General discussion

How do I switch my license to another computer? (3)
Unusual Supports (Duplicates) (3)
Display settings (2)
File corruption when viewing and saving slice file in Chitubox (9)
Are video tutorials coming? (6)
Is there an option to remove the sphere connection at the tip of supports? (2)
Formware 3D, in the "IDX" (.idx) (2)
Phrozen Transform gcode Delay Ignored (8) response incredibly laggy compared to (9)
Assign custom Hot Keys (8)
How to slice to Creality Halot One? (4)
Slicing to Creality Halot One (1)
Wanhao d11 c.g.r (1)
Can I post this stuff here? La Palmas relief, 3D printing related (1)
"Mask Wizard" and advanced calibration (7)
Profile for Epax E10 5k (using new .ctb format) (5) - Holy heck, Batman! (8)
Question About Off Time (2)
Can't find .cws export capability for my Monoprice Mini SLA (2)
Graphics requirements (3)
How to import OBJ file? (2)
Platform rapresentation (4)
Epax X1 4K mono (1)
Support tips are hollowed? (4)
Updating software (2)
File transfer via UDP really slow (3)
Delete unsupported islands (4)
Will Formware work with the X-Mono 3d printer from Bluecast? (8)
Angle of supports (2)
Support for really small parts (5)